For people with bishop Rob Wright

For People, is a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, on his For Faith weekly devotional. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

Different Kingdom

This Lent, Bishop Wright is offering a 5-part video series themed Jesus Makes the Difference. This 5-part series is based on the Sunday lectionary of Lent and includes a reflection guide. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation about the second installment, Jesus and the Different Kingdom.

Celebrating Absalom Jones with The Very Rev. Canon Martini Shaw

As Black History Month closes, we wanted to take some time to discuss the life of Absalom Jones, the first Black Episcopal priest in The Episcopal Church. Absalom’s story is one of loving God and loving all people. One of starting something brand new with and for God!

Difference Making

This Lent, Bishop Wright is offering a 5-part video series themed Jesus Makes the Difference. This 5-part series is based on the Sunday lectionary of Lent and includes a reflection guide. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation about Lent, the series, and the first installment The Difference Between Jesus and the Devil.


God rescues us of from darkness. But coming into the light and seeing comes with a cost. It is a choice to shift our attention toward neighbor and God. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation about what it takes to shift our attention – an active choice to follow God and to love our neighbor. Listen in for the full conversation.

Love First

Spiritual grown-up love has a suffering component, and it isn’t a two-way street. This love is not contingent on what you believe or what you want to do in response to me loving you. It is unconditional! Listen in for the full conversation.

Preaching and The Holy Spirit with Teresa Fry Brown PhD

What makes a good sermon? For the preacher, it is knowing oneself, knowing the biblical text and context, knowing the people, and knowing what The Holy Spirit is speaking directly to them. It is also leaving the people hearing the sermon with some good holy questioning of their own walk with Christ and with neighbor in the world.


Christian maturity is understood as: actively bringing our lives, lips, hopes, and conflict resolution approaches under submission to the teachings and example of Jesus. If we are honest, we all have work to do in maturing as a Christian.

Hope with Bishop Phoebe Roaf

As our country reckons with another act of police brutality, we bring you an episode with two Black Bishops, our own Bishop Wright and Bishop Phoebe Roaf of West Tennessee – the diocese that includes the city of Memphis.


God prefers us. We are God’s people. All of us. And yet, it is a defiant posture to believe God’s blessings are for all of us. Just take a look around and we see disparity and an unequal balance of power. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation on who is blessed by God and what Jesus says about a God for all and a God that stands directly on the side of the poor and oppressed.

Care and Candor with Rabbi Peter Berg

Spiritual growth and maturity is knowing and walking alongside your neighbor that views the world differently. Dr. King speaks of becoming a World House. If we are to be a World House we are to know every religion and every human as a part of the human family. These famous words still ring true today as antisemitism is on the rise.

Why Hope?

Why hope? Dr. King speaks directly to why we should have hope. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright break down the quotes and these reasons to hope.


Darkness is a place that God can use. God uses darkness. God’s Light cannot be overcome by darkness. That is the heart of Epiphany. That God is able. That God is near.


Whenever God shows up, it is a disruption! Because God is mighty and love and truth and the opposite of those things; oppression, shame, fear, hate… are put out of place when God shows up. This is the miracle of Christmas! That out of darkness comes the light of God in the world through a child.

Amazing Peace

It is Christmas time, a halting of hate time. On this platform of peace, we can create a language, To translate ourselves to ourselves and to each other.  At this Holy Instant, we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ Into the great religions of the world…

Christmas Crossroads

Mary’s faith was BIG. Gabriel told her she was favored. And she had questions, but she chose the crossroads of believing in a BIG God and in her favor. She knew a faithful God and she would sing a song about God’s faithfulness.


How can the nearness of God change us?  It’s easy to take John the Baptist’s words of the need to repent as guilt or obligation, but what John is really pointing to is that when we draw near to God, our lives change in ways we can’t even imagine.

A New Thing

God is doing a new thing! This year’s theme for the Diocese of Atlanta’s annual gathering is “I’m about to do a new thing”. In Isaiah, he writes about God “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

A Look Back on 10 Years with Bishop Wright

A few weeks ago, we celebrated 10 years of Bishop Wright as the Bishop of The Diocese of Atlanta. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation about the learnings, the experiments, and what’s to come. Listen in for the full conversation.