For people with bishop Rob Wright

For People, is a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, on his For Faith weekly devotional. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.


Atheists is an uncomfortable word for followers of Jesus to hear. In goes against the very belief in the one, we call God that we love and loves us without limitation! But what happens when the church chooses sides in

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Some of us have got some pretty impressive resumes: schools, organizations, companies, and boards. St. Paul had a pretty impressive resume too: right family, right location, right kind of spiritual practice.  He clearly commends for the Christian is a second

God in the Center

If most Christians are honest, we fail to put God in the center of our lives. In many cases, people choose to themselves at the center of narratives. The old joke that God made us in God’s image and we

Just God

Sometimes as people of faith, we talk more about our own lives than God. Why is that? Our humanity wants to put us and our experiences first. What would it be like if the 3 points made by every pastor

Faithful Women

The story of Moses, the great deliverer, really begins with his delivery from faithful women. As the Pharaoh set forth a plan to murder firstborn male children, it was Moses’ mother, Jochebed, and his sister Miriam that masterminded a plan

Sibling to the World

Joseph was sold into slavery by his siblings! His own blood! And he finds it in himself to forgive, heal, and love the ones that hurt him the most. Throughout history, there are people that and do remember that we

Fear | The Third Pandemic

Peter’s fear sank him that long-ago morning. When he took his eyes and heart off of Jesus, it started. Fear can make faith sink. It can swallow you up. More and more we might all be feeling like that battered

Charity, Justice, and Jesus

Charity is great, but it is a patch. Charity is what we are doing now while we are working for a more just society where everyone has enough. The overarching goal is for all of us to be filled. A

Leading Like Jesus

Leadership is a set of behaviors available to anyone at any time to choose and use. Of course, this means there are no leaders but people that exert leadership behaviors. The leadership of Jesus is laid out perfectly for us

Monuments and Symbols with Sheffield Hale

Monuments and symbols are currently a point of discussion. A person may bring up why or why they shouldn’t be removed and it quickly gets branded political. Many believe them a part of heritage. As Sheffield says in this episode,

Faith in the Midst of 2 Pandemics with Jim Wallis

Where do we find health if the soul of the nation is unwell? It only makes it more challenging in the midst of 2 pandemics. One being COVID-19 and the other racism. In this episode of For People, Melissa leads


Are those that have too much willing to sacrifice for those that don’t have enough? In a country focused on individualism, how do we come together to support those in need? We see churches on so many corners, yet they

Un-mattered Lives

All lives mattered is well-intentioned, but aspirational. Native, female, brown, black, immigrant, incarcerated, and gay lives at present do not equally matter according to our systems. And when we think of Jesus, didn’t he all over Galilee matter people? Do

The Politics of Jesus with Bishop Brian Prior

Hi listeners, You’ll notice some changes to For People in this episode. Matt has accepted a call to serve as the Director of Youth Ministry and Programming for the Diocese of Southwest Florida. We are thankful for Matt and everything

Seeking God in Neighbor

As people of faith, we often talk of the way we treat neighbor. In fact, the Episcopal tradition confesses before God and one another in Sunday morning worship that “we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves”.  Why is neighborliness

Jesus Asks Good Questions

How do we ask better questions of ourselves? In a polarizing world, what does that really mean? Jesus asks the best questions that require us to dig deep into our faith and think of how we can live into our

God’s New Algebra

Algebra is not a word we often associate with God. For some of us, it is a word that only brings back the pain of high school. Algebra actually means the reunion and balancing of broken parts. In this pandemic,

Our North Star

It sure sounds nice thinking of Jesus as our North Star, but how do we do it? St. Peter has some ideas. St. Peter’s checklist includes being eager to do what is right though it might cause you trouble. Set