World House
How often do we think about the people that serve us? Yes, family, friends, and faith communities quickly come to mind, but what about the retail worker, the delivery driver, the teacher, the first responder, and even the person that
How often do we think about the people that serve us? Yes, family, friends, and faith communities quickly come to mind, but what about the retail worker, the delivery driver, the teacher, the first responder, and even the person that
On April 27, 2020, Bishop Wright joined with spiritual leaders from across Georgia at the State Capitol to pray for the state, country, and world. Prayer is necessary for a life of faith. For people of faith, we know it
Music has the ability to touch down deep in our faith like nothing else. No one ever leaves church humming a sermon, but many leave with the hymns and songs playing in their heads. What is music speaking to you?
Christ has Risen! Alleluia! Yes, this is true, but now what? Times are uncertain, and in some ways, we might feel that there are more similarities to Easter now and the first Easter over 2,000 years ago. Given current times,
Good Friday for many of us is the start of the 3 most sacred days of the Christian life. But what makes Good Friday good? As Christians, we know that the fear, betrayal, and cruelty Jesus endured marks the beginning
Faith, fear, trust, and retreat is the intersection where we currently stand. A good life is one that has meaning and is generative. It is one that has to do with making principle stands. In the church, we call that
Welcome to For People with Bishop Rob Wright. This podcast will focus on conversations with Bishop Wright and an in-depth look at his weekly devotional For Faith. God is For People. We are for people. But what does that really
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