For people with bishop Rob Wright

For People, is a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, on his For Faith weekly devotional. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

Choirs and Worship with Jason McGee

In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Jason McGee, Choir Director of Maverick City Music. In it, they discuss the origin of choirs, the diversity choirs represent, and why Jason said yes to being a part of Imagine Worship in NYC on Oct 3 with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Listen in for the full conversation.

Remaining Curious

What is the bible and how do we hold it? A serious question. In The Episcopal Church, widely we believe that all are beloved children of God. That you are perfectly made as you are! A beautiful thing!

A Southerner with Chuck Reece

To be southern is to love the south. The good and bad. All that she is. Chuck Reece LOVES the South. But he didn’t always. Before Salvation South, Chuck founded The Bitter Southener. No longer bitter, he wanted to show the world the gentler and hopeful South that he experiences.

A Conversation with Archbishop Foley Beach

On the heels of The Lambeth Conference, Bishop Wright has a conversation with the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, Foley Beach. The episode lays bare the differences between The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church in North America in an honest dialogue of the major differences of the denominations.

Summer Shorts | Question 5

These are summer shorts! In the middle of summer, shorts just feel right. And as responses to the questions of our faithful listeners. Our fifth and final question is from our own host, Melissa Rau. Her question: Do you have any existential questions you actively ponder? Listen in for Bishop Wright’s response.

Summer Shorts | Question 4

These are summer shorts! In the middle of summer, shorts just feel right. And as responses to the questions of our faithful listeners. Our fourth question is from Laura of Georgia. Her question: How do we listen well? Listen in for Melissa and Bishop Wright’s response.

Summer Shorts | Question 3

These are summer shorts! In the middle of summer, shorts just feel right. And as responses to the questions of our faithful listeners. Our third question is from Stacey of Georgia. Her question: In light of Roe vs Wade being overturned, how do we remain empathetic towards others? Listen in for Melissa and Bishop Wright’s response.

Summer Shorts | Question 2

These are summer shorts! In the middle of summer, shorts just feel right. And as responses to the questions of our faithful listeners. Our second question is from Christian of Georgia. His question: How can we work for lessening income inequality and pushing for universal healthcare as a church? Listen in for Melissa and Bishop Wright’s response.

Summer Shorts | Question 1

Welcome to Summer Shorts! In the middle of summer, shorts just feel right. And these shorts are meant to be real short – under six-minute short. And as responses from the questions of our faithful listeners. For the next five weeks, enjoy some thoughtful questions and reflections. Our first question is from Cindy in Colorado. Her question: How do you find a church of like-minded people? Listen in for Melissa and Bishop Wright’s response.

For America

We live in a great country. No doubt she is great. And yet as we celebrate this year’s Independence Day, pride in America is at an all-time low. So where do we go from here? In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright

Pride and Juneteenth

It delights God that we smell like love! That we smell like generosity. And knowing this we must stand before our loving God and explain our hatefulness! In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation about Pride Month

Revival, Diversity, and Loving People

“Holy Spirit break-in!”, says Pentecost! The Spirit breaks through ethnic and language barriers and celebrates the beautiful diversity of God’s beloved. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation about Bishop’s time with the ELCA Southeastern Synod as

Poverty with Luke Shaefer Ph.D.

How many people in America live on less than $2 a day? Something many of us don’t think about but a reality for those living in poverty in the United States. In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with

Young People and Leadership

Arabella Brown, a young person from St. James Episcopal Church in Marietta GA, gave a powerful sermon to the graduating seniors of The Diocese of Atlanta on May 22. She speaks of leaving familiar places, that it will be hard

Courage with Dr. Catherine Meeks

“…Dr. Catherine Meeks is the most courageous person I know…”. That’s from your producer, Easton Davis. In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Dr. Meeks. She shares her own story of personal memoir, purpose, the work of racial

A Response to Buffalo

This episode is in response to the recent hate crime and killing of ten black people in a grocery store in Buffalo, New York that took place on May 14, 2022. In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright reflect on

Centennial Special Part 2 of 2

Join us in celebrating the 100th episode of For People! Over the past two years, we’ve released an episode almost weekly, and we thank God and you for the inspiration to forge forward. Last week, we heard six soundbites from

Centennial Special Part 1 of 2

Join us in celebrating the 100th episode of For People! Over the past two years, we’ve released an episode almost weekly, and we thank God and you for the inspiration to forge forward. This episode starts with Melissa, Bishop Wright,